Ear Tumors
Causes, Incidence &
Risk Factors
Sebaceous cysts are the most common type of cysts seen in the ear. They are bulging, sac-like
collections of dead skin cells and oils produced by oil glands in the skin.
They commonly occur:
- Behind the ear
- In the ear canal
- In the earlobe
- On the scalp
The exact cause is unknown, but cysts may occur when oils are produced in a skin gland faster
than they can be released from the gland.
Benign bony tumors of the ear canal (exostoses and osteomas) may be caused by excess growth
of bone. Repeated exposure to cold water may increase the risk of benign bony tumors of the ear
Pain (if cysts are in the outside ear canal or get infected)
Small soft skin lumps on, behind, or in front of the ear
Ear discomfort
Gradual hearing loss in one ear
Repeated outer ear infections
NOTE: There may be no symptoms

Signs & Tests
Benign cysts and tumors are usually discovered during a routine ear examination, which can include hearing tests (audiometry) and middle ear testing (tympanometry). When looking into the ear, the doctor may see cysts or benign tumors in the ear canal. Sometimes, a CT scan is needed.
This disease may also affect the results of the following tests:
- Caloric stimulation
- Electronystagmography
If the cyst or tumor is not painful and does not interfere with hearing, treatment is not necessary.
If a cyst becomes painful, it may be infected. Treatment may include antibiotics or removal of the cyst.
Benign bony tumors may progressively increase in size. If a benign tumor is painful, interferes with hearing, or leads to frequent ear infections, surgery to remove the tumor may be necessary.
Benign ear cysts and tumors are usually slow growing and may disappear on their own.
Hearing loss if the tumor is large
Infection of the cysts
Infection of the ear canal
Wax trapped in the ear canal
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Office Locations

1218 W Paces Ferry Rd NW
UNIT 208
Atlanta, GA 30327
Monday - Thursday 8am - 4:30pm
Friday - 8am-2:30pm